I've always wondered if the web could be smarter, more integrated with Artificial intelligence and could be more personalized. That was till I found about web 3.0 last year and I was amazed with what the web 3.0 could. It is definitely an upgrade from the web 2.0 which is shouldered on images and color combination to give the user the experience they (UI designers) think is best for the user. The fact that artificial intelligence is involved made me a fan of the web 3.0.
Yeah and that is not all, it is connected to the Blockchain or through the Blockchain. This means what exactly, meaning the infrastructure of transactions is not centralized in the web 3.0 unlike web 2.0 which allows big companies have stuffs like this in their finger tips.
Web 3.0 plays a major role in dAPPs too making cryptocurrencies and NFTs easier to access, process and transcact.